In urban areas, effective rainwater management is essential to prevent flooding and manage our water resources sustainably. Rockflow® stone wool offers versatile solutions for contemporary rainwater management. Discover how our systems can help with the storage, infiltration, delayed drainage, purifcation and reuse of rainwater.

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On flat roofs
On flat roofs

Rainwater detention and retention on flat roofs with Rockflow® RoofSponge.

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Blue-green swales
Blue-green swales

A smart climate swale with stone wool can be installed shallower and therefore safer, retain water for planting, and buffer cloudbursts.

Rockflow® blue-green swale
Underneath the tram track
Underneath the tram track

Often, the available underground space for stormwater storage in urban areas is very limited. Thanks to the high load-bearing capacity and flexibility of Rockflow, space for rain is also made under tram tracks.

Amsterdam Nieuwe Zijde Noord
Under the roadway or bicycle lanes
Under the roadway or bicycle lanes

In sewer renovation projects or new constructions, a Rockflow water storage and infiltration system replaces the rainwater sewer. Rainwater is no longer transported but is directly infiltrated locally. The Rockflow system is often installed as linear infiltration next to the foul water sewer under the road.

Rockflow® linear infiltration
Near tree growth areas
Near tree growth areas

Natural infiltration of rain near urban green keeps the soil moist, which helps plants and trees flourish and reduces irrigation moments during dry periods.

Under squares and parkings
Under squares and parkings

With a central buffer under squares or parking lots, water from the surrounding area is led to a central location, collected and infiltrated or discharged into the sewer.

Rockflow® central buffer
Utility construction (BREEAM)
Utility construction (BREEAM)

Cost-efficient and space-saving rainwater solutions under new buildings, in accordance with BREEAM.

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Housing construction
Housing construction

Store rainwater on your own plot with space-saving, maintenance-friendly systems made of Rockflow stone wool.

Rainwater storage & infiltration

With Rockflow systems, you can effectively capture and annuate rainwater and gradually infiltrate it into the soil. This prevents urban flooding and contributes to groundwater replenishment, even in urban areas where space is at a premium.

Delayed discharge of rainwater

We also offer solutions to temporarily buffer and slowly discharge rainwater. This helps prevent overloading the sewer system during heavy rainfall and reduces the risk of flooding. Delayed drainage can be a solution when infiltration of rainwater is not possible. This may be the case, for example, if the soil is not permeable enough or if the water is of insufficient quality to be allowed to infiltrate. Some or all of the buffered water is then drained to a water system where capacity exists. This is done either with a (delayed) discharge to the waterstream, or with a deep infiltration pile that breaks through the poorly permeable layer. Both with infiltration and delayed discharge, each Rockflow system is designed to be empty and available for the next shower within 24 hours.

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Reuse rainwater

Rainwater collected with Rockflow can be reused for improved water supply for green areas. Thanks to the capillary force of stone wool, water can be retained for absorption by vegetation. This results in an improved, passive water supply for plants during dry periods, without the need for active irrigation systems. 

This limits (drinking) water consumption for irrigation purposes.

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Clean rainwater

Our stone wool systems can clean rainwater by filtering sediments and contaminants from the water. This ensures cleaner water that can safely infiltrate into the soil or be discharged into surface water bodies.

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