Space efficient rainwater storage for busy city centers

In busy city centers, finding space for water buffering is often a challenge. Limited space and the presence of cables and pipes make it difficult to implement effective solutions to deal with heavy rain. The Rockflow line infiltration makes maximum use of the available space under the roadway or pedestrian zone and can therefore store and infiltrate water locally.

How does Rockflow line infiltration work?

Rockflow line infiltration consists of narrow, linear buffer fields that are constructed next or on top of the to the foul water sewer. These systems have a high buffering capacity thanks to the porosity of up to 95% of the stone wool. The system works in two ways:

  • Buffering: The system quickly fills with rainwater and retains it. This prevents flooding during heavy rainfall.
  • Infiltration or delayed drainage: The buffered water can slowly infiltrate into the soil. If the soil is not permeable enough for infiltration, the water can also be discharged slowly into waterstreams or into the sewer system.

View some practical examples below:

The advantages of Rockflow linear infiltration:

  • High load-bearing: Ability to install a rainwater management system under trafficked areas.
  • Greater buffer capacity than a perforated sewer pipe.
  • No rain water transport pipe required: Water infiltrates directly where it falls.
  • Maximum flexibility: Adjust the installation height to the groundwater level and traffic load. During construction you can easily work around cables and pipes.
  • Direct connection of street gullies and house connections to the package.
  • Reliable water absorption and infiltration throughout its lifespan, with the option of cleaning from manholes.
  • A future-proof investment: Rockflow systems can be designed for a very long lifespan of up to more than 50 years.

How do you install a Rockflow linear infiltration system?

The installation of the Rockflow® linear infiltration system takes place in phases: This means that the work can be carried out per section of the road. This minimizes any inconvenience for local residents. These are the steps:

  1. Breaking up and removing the first part of the paving and road foundation.
  2. Excavating the trench.
  3. Installation of the foul water sewer and the Rockflow® infiltration package (this requires a crane with a pallet fork).
  4. Connecting the system to gullys and rainwater downpipes.
  5. Replenishing and compacting the sand around the pipe package.
  6. Supply of sand and foundation material.
  7. Applying the pavement / asphalt.

While the work on the first section of the road is being completed, the excavation of the next section can already begin. ROCKWOOL ensures just-in-time delivery of the Rockflow elements to the construction site so that the work can be completed as efficiently as possible.

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